Meet Our Instructor

Grace Xiao

Permanent Make Up Instructor

  • 韩国昌信⼤学美容进修博⼠

  • 2013第⼋届中⽇韩⾦玫瑰杯⼤赛评委

  • 2014新加坡亚洲国际纹饰艺术⼤赛评委

  • 2016年国际纹绣⼤会评判⻓

  • 2016CPI国际美业⼤赛评判⻓

  • 2018年第⼆届ABS⼤赛评判⻓

  • 2019年意⼤利美容展纹绣技术交流⼤使

  • 欧洲NOUVEAU CONTOUR 认证国际纹绣师


  • Expert in semi-permanent private eyebrow and eye makeup customization for 13 years

  • good reputation and high customer referral rate; Participated in technology exchange conferences in South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy, Russia, the Netherlands, Japan and other countries

  • was invited to give technology demonstrations.

Alisa Zuo

Esthetician Instructor

  • 从业美容行业 17

  • 自营美容工作室经验充足

  • 持美国美容专业执照, 美国大牌执照, 美国纹绣执照

  • LED 光疗证书 微针疗法证书

  • 中国专业美容师证 中国专业美容导师证

  • 中国香薰治疗资格证


  • 17 years in beauty industryOwner/operator beauty studio U.S.

  • Licensed in: Esthetics / Cosmetology / Tattoo Artist / Certification in LED phototherapy / Nano stamp

  • Certification in China / Professional Beautician / Professional Beauty Instructor / Aromatherapy Qualification

Angela Wu

Cosmetology Instructor

  • 曾多年经营克丽缇娜美容院毕业于Paul Mitchell 美容美发学校,

  • 拥有多年的美发美妆工作经验,活跃于各大时装周舞台拥有多年的培训经验

  • 曾就职于GM Collin美容产品公司为北美各大美容院进行产品培训


  • Run Chitin beauty Salon for many years

  • Graduated from Paul Mitchell Beauty school

  • Many years of experience in hair and makeup industry

  • Active in major fashion weeks and has many training experience

  • Worked for GM Collin Beauty Products Company and has provided services and trainings to major brands of beauty salon in North America


